lunes, 30 de abril de 2012

Benefits of planting a tree

1.- Helps the atmosphere:

A single tree absorbs one ton of carbon dioxide in it’s lifetime. That’s a lot less CO2 in our  atmosphere.

2.- Helps your garden:

Trees’ roots prevent soil erosion, which keeps good organic material from washing away in the rain. They also provide leaves yearly, which can be used for valuable compost.

3.-Lowers your A/C Bill:

Yes, as few as 3 trees planted carefully around your home can slash your energy bill dramatically. This is because they shade your house, and prevent it from warming up as much.

4.- Provides Good Habitat:

Many animals are taking a hit because we are chopping down so many trees, which are their prime source for habitat. By planting a tree you provide animals habitat.

5.- Diminishes Urban Heat Islands:
Trees are mostly comprised of rich biomatter, which helps to absorb heat reflected off of buildings and asphalt, commonly found in cities.

6.-Helps prevent flooding:

Trees, with their complex root systems, absorb water and hold soil in, which helps reduce the effect of flooding.

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